What to Do on Valentine’s Day – Regardless of Your Relationship Status

Valentine’s Day is one of those holidays that many people either love or hate. After all, when a day tends to be associated with relationship status, it can be a little polarizing. However, regardless of whether you are in a relationship or enjoying single life, we’re here to make the case there’s something for everyone on Valentine’s Day. Though the holiday’s origins are rumored to lie with greeting card companies, we appreciate the fact that Valentine’s Day offers us another reason to celebrate our favorite people in our lives – whether those people are our significant others, our best friends or our family members. To help you celebrate, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite things to do on Valentine’s Day.

Give (or make) a Valentine

Here’s an easy one. It’s tradition on Valentine’s Day to give a valentine to someone you’re romantically interested in, but we like this tradition better with a twist: give a valentine to your friends or anyone else in your life you’d like to acknowledge in appreciation. A valentine is simply the term for a card given to another person on Valentine’s Day. Create your own if you’re feeling crafty or artsy, or pick up some fun cards in-store, then distribute to your friends to remind them that you’re happy to have them in your life.

Indulge in the tradition

When people think of Valentine’s Day, they might think of giving someone chocolates, teddy bears, flowers, or some other gift, and then going out for a romantic meal. Sometimes it can be fun to embrace these holiday traditions, though. There are usually some great Valentine’s Day specials at restaurants, and it’s fun to share some candy or a treat with someone you care about. Use this as an opportunity to tell that special someone how you feel, and have a little fun indulging in some romantic pastimes together.

Turn it into a Pal-entine’s Day

Who says that Valentine’s Day has to be limited to you and a significant other? We say: expand the holiday to include a celebration of your pals and your friendships. For women, there’s the now-ubiquitous term Galentine’s Day, which is when female friends decide to celebrate their friendships and each other. But regardless of your gender, turn the day into one for you to have fun with your friends. Go out for a Valentine’s Day meal (brunch, lunch, or dinner – whatever you want to do) and maybe even consider exchanging little gifts to show appreciation. It’s a great way to turn the holiday into something for everyone to enjoy.

Celebrate yourself

Sometimes you want to relax and have a little time to yourself. Let Valentine’s Day be your day to show yourself some love! Whether you want to do something in the spirit of Valentine’s Day – buy yourself some chocolate, watch a romantic comedy – or just do something that you love – read a great book, play video games, go for a walk — choose something that will feel emotionally restorative.